Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lamp design to be placed at entrances

Please post your comments for this light.  It's a single black pole with a single light on top.
Cost of $450/light (due up front), $15.40/month (billed to HOA)


  1. Hooray finally some lights at the entrances. WTG HOA! I would like to know a few things about the lights, though:
    1. Will they provide enough light to light up the signs at the entrances (seems like that would be a very important consideration). Seeing the sign is just as, if not more important than, seeing the entrance itself
    2. Will only one bulb provide this high up provide enough light?
    3. Has someone actually seen the output/spread of one of these lights while on?

  2. I'd prefer these lamps to the plain concrete poles. I don't know the answers to Todd's questions above but they are good ones to ask and seek clarification around.

  3. They have these lights in front of NE Power, I can drive over there when it's dark and check it out.

  4. Some light is better than no light! If the street lights do not provide enough light to light up the signs can up lighting be added to the landscape around the signs?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This will add a touch of class to the subdivision, verses having concrete or wood poles. Would eventually like to be able to see these lights throughout the subdivision. The lightning at the entrances will be a wonderful addition for residents and visitors alike, in that we will be able to see our entrance.

  7. If the lamp post does not provide enough light we could look into putting solar lights in the flower bed to better light the sign.

  8. That's true, although every solar light I've ever seen used is pretty weak, unreliable, and burns out very quickly.
